Retaining Walls - Brick Veneer

This hybrid wall combines the strength and economy of concrete block with the more traditional look of brick. Bricks are mortared to the front, top and sides of concrete blocks reinforced with rebar that do the actual retaining.

Step by Step: A Brick Veneer Retaining Wall

This 3-foot-high, 1-foot-thick wall consists of concrete blocks joined to a brick facing with mortar and brick ties . Bricks also cover the top and sides.

1. Lay out, excavate, level and build a reinforced 24-inch-wide, 10-inch-deep footing with a top 6 inches below ground. (Footing dimensions will vary with local building code and height of wall.) Before pouring, add rebar crossbars every 32 inches, securing them to the long pieces with tie wire. Create vertical reinforcement by bending a 55-inch length of rebar into an L-shape whose foot is 10 inches long. Starting 8 inches from end of wall, place an L every 32 inches along the wall. With tie wire, bind the foot of each L along the center length of rebar. The Ls will poke up through the hollow cells in concrete blocks.

2. On the cured footing, mark-off the front edge for the brick veneer. Measure back the width of the brick (plus ╜ inch for mortar) for the base of the concrete block.

3. On the footing, throw a line of mortar along the front and back edges where concrete blocks will go, and along both end joints. Lay first layer of block, making sure it is aligned and level.

4. Lay rebar over the first layer through notches in blocks. Apply mortar and start the second layer with a half block. Set brick ties into mortar every 12 inches along top of second layer, then start the third layer with a full block. Alternate between rebar and brick ties until the wall is 7 layers high.

5. Allow a day for mortar to cure. Then mix mortar or concrete grout and fill all concrete-block cells with it. Poke down through the grout with a piece of rebar to force out any air pockets.

6. Lay out the face of the brick veneer with stakes and mason's line Deposit a brick-wide bed of mortar along front of the block wall. Then lay the first layer, buttering the back and one end of each brick with mortar before setting it in place. Check that bricks are aligned and level.

7. Lay the remaining layers, starting every other layer with a half brick. Brick ties protruding from concrete-block wall will protrude into mortar between layers of brick.

8. As you work, tool joints in bricks before the mortar becomes too firm.

9. Lay a brick cap across both walls, setting the front row of brick perpendicular to the face of the wall. Edges of bricks should be flush with wall or overhanging it slightly. Lay a back row of bricks parallel with length of wall.

10. To finish the sides, lay staggered layers of 1╜ bricks each.

11. After 5 days, apply masonry waterproofer on the back of wall. Install drainage pipe at the base, then backfill.


hand and circular saws
hand sledge
stake and mason's line
4-foot mason's level
brick chisel
rebar bender

Tool and hardware-related resources on the Web


Wait five days for the mortar to dry before backfilling any masonry wall.

Safety-related resources on the Web:
Index of Occupational Safety and Health Resources (
National Safety Council (
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (
Other safety Web sites

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